Tpop Wiki
Tpop Wiki

The Manual of Style outlines the formatting for articles on Tpop Wiki.



Bold text is used in its first usage at the intro of the article, and well as its alternate names. To bold a word or phrase, add 3 apostrophes on each end.

  • '''bolding'''
  • Memoriz (เมมโมริซ), formerly known as FriendZone, is a...


To create columns, first place {{Col-begin}} and on the next line the number of columns you need (eg. Two columns: {{Col-2}})

At the end of the first column, place the same wikitext (in this case {{Col-2}}) on the next line. At the final column, place {{Col-end}} on its own line as well.

Example: Chiang Mai 106#Video links


Italic text is used when referring to the titles of any published media. To italicized a word or phrase, add 2 apostrophes on each end.

  • ''italicized''

You can also use 5 apostrophes for a '''''bold italic'''''.

Font size[]

Either place <small> and </small> between the text you want a smaller font size. Alternatively you can use the template {{Small|}}.

  • <small>This is an example</small>
    • This is an example
  • {{small|This is an example}}
    • This is an example

Line break[]

Place <br> between the text you want a line break.

  • This is an example of a<br>line break.
    • This is an example of a
      line break.


"Quoted" text is used when referring to quotes, the title of songs & singles, TV episodes, articles, or to emphasize specific words.

  • "Oohlala!" is the first digital single by 4EVE.
  • "Sukida Sukida Sukida" is a song by BNK48.


When creating a table, please use class="wikitable" as opposed to class="article-table". For those using the Visual Editor, it is recommended that you switch to the Source Editor as the Visual Editor uses the default latter table class.

An example wikitext of a table is provided below (this case for group articles):

{| class="wikitable"
!Year(s) active
|Member's name (in English and Thai)
|Position(s) (eg. Leader, Lead Vocalist, Main Rapper etc.)
|Year(s) active (eg. 2018–present)
! colspan="3" style="text-align:center;" |Inactive
! colspan="3" style="text-align:center;" |Former



When an article shares the same/similar name with another article, please create a disambiguation page that lists all the pages under that said name, separated into the appropriate sub-sections (if needed):

  • Artists: musical acts including groups, duos, and soloists
  • Individuals or People: individual people including group members and trainees (alphabetical order by their most recent affiliation and sorted by active members first, individual/non-group trainees second, contestants third, and former members at the bottom)
  • Music: albums and singles (alphabetical order by act's name)
  • Shows: television shows

If an article already exists but you want to create a disambiguation page, please move the original article into its new name and create the disambiguation on the original article's name. For example, there is a mini album called Morning and it is the only article that uses that name on the Wiki. However there is an upcoming, unrelated group with the same name. In this instance, move Morning to Morning (album), and create the group's article as Morning (group). On the original Morning article, create the disambiguation.

Example pages


Due to Wiki technical restrictions, the symbols (# < > [ ] { } |) can not be included in the name. They can, however, be displayed using {{DISPLAYTITLE: }}, with the title being added in the blank space.


When naming an individual, it should be the one they are referred in public and promotions.


For media (eg. albums, singles, TV shows), English takes prevalence as this is an English-language Wiki. When a release does not have an official English name, their native name should be romanized.

  • Morning (LAZYLOXY)
    • The group's name is included in brackets as it shares the same name with other articles
  • "Bitkitchakhuachai"
    • (Romanized from "บิสกิตจากหัวใจ". No direct English translation)
  • "Muri Jinsei Kusoge"
    • (Romanized from "無理人生クソゲー")


Not every musical artist or published media has an English-only name. Many are in Thai with an accompanying English name. In these cases, the English name takes prevalence for easy identification, following with their native name.

The Tpop Wiki only uses the RTGS (Royal Thai General System of Transcription) transcription system for translation of Thai song names. A website that supports this transcription is Some words may not be able to be romanized on the site (unknown reason); In that case, please use another website for the transcription (e.g. Google Translate) or contact the local admin.

Because this wiki contains Tpop content, it is not necessary to specify Thai to identify what it is. If the subject has a Chinese name or another official language (eg. Japanese) name, then it must be specified.

It is also not necessary to specify a group's country of origin (eg. KAIBUTSU is a Thai girl group) as this is a Tpop Wiki which already assumes so. This doesn't apply to individual artists due to varying nationalities.

  • KAIBUTSU is a four-member girl group.
  • Muri Jinsei Kusoge (Japanese: 無理人生クソゲー) is the first Japanese digital single by KAIBUTSU.

Dates and numbers[]

Dates are should be expressed as Month-Day-Year (eg. January 1, 2018). For release date of media such as albums, singles, and TV shows, it must be in Thailand Standard Time (ICT) unless otherwise stated.

Numbers can either be numeric or spelled out but numeric is preferred for larger numbers (10 and over).

  • 1–9: First, second, third,...ninth
  • 10 and above: 10th, 11th, etc.



The English language varies depending on the country or region, but American English is the standard language used on the Wiki for all content.


Headings and article titles use sentence case when it comes to capitalizing words. This means the first letter is uppercase and subsequent letters lowercase with exceptions such as proper nouns or acronyms.


Sentences should be in past tense unless it refers to an upcoming release or event.



A link should appear in the first instance in the infobox and in the article. Please do not add excessive links throughout an article as it makes it difficult for readers and also adds clutter.


To link to an article within this Wiki, use double square brackets to enclose the target link:

  • [[Example article]]
  • [[iWish]]

You can also format the link to either show it as bolded, italicized, etc. Just follow the formatting section on this page.To give the same link a different name, use the vertical bar "|":

  • [[Example article|different name]]

To link to a specific section in the article, add a hashtag after the main article to the section title:

  • [[Example article#section name]]
  • [[CGM48#Discography|the discography of CGM48]]

A red link shows up if an article does not exist yet. Also links are case-sensitive, so check to make sure that you have the correct link (eg. PiXXiE vs Pixxie)

Interwiki links[]

Here are examples on how to link to another Fandom Wiki or Wikipedia:

  • Fandom:
    • [[w:c:akb48:BNK48|BNK48]]
    • [[w:c:kpop:Nichkhun|Nichkhun]]
  • Wikipedia:

Official links[]

External (non-wiki) links can only be added in the bottom of the article under either "Official links" or "Video links" sections.


  • [ Twitter]
  • [ "Yakiniku" music video]


Categories intend to group together pages on a similar subject. It help readers to find and navigate the subject area and it's relationships with one another.

They are found at the bottom of the article's page. Clicking it brings up a category page listing the articles (or other pages) that have been added to that particular category. There may also be a section listing the subcategories of that category.

Example of a category tree (from least to most specific):

  • [[Category:Groups]]
    • [[Category:Male groups]]

Additional help[]

Need more assistance? Contact the local admin for more specific questions. For other basic questions, check out the Wikia Community Central.
